27 de juliol del 2007

Perseguint l'artista / followint the artist

Eco! Les fotografies que vaig presentar al la mostra del museu Picasso. Vaig prometre que les penjaria passat un temps i aqui les teniu. Moltes gracies a tots els que vau venir a la inauguracio. No va haber-hi teca pero potser algun dia us podre convidar a una copa de cava.

I sobretot, gracies a la fantastica model.

No se si som artistes, els titol m'es igual. Pero perdre el temps en allo que em fa bategar el cor mes rapid i tenir papallones al estomac es un plaer. Anims!

Doble retrat en proces I
Double portrait in process I
Terrassa, Barcelona, 06/07

Doble retrat en proces II
Double portrait in process II
Terrassa, Barcelona, 06/07

Eco! The photos I presented to the exhibition in the Picasso Museum. I promissed to put them here after some time and here you are. Many thanks to all those who came to the opening. There was no food or drinks but maybe one day I will be able to offer you a glass of cava.

And overalls, thanks to the fantastic model.

I don't know if we are artist. I don't care about titles. But loosing time in those things that make my heart beat faster and have butterflies in the stomach it's a pleasure. Ganbatte!!

Listening: Juan Manuel Serrat - Mediterraneo

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

uix, q ara m'estresso havent de visitar tants blogs eee!!! aquest ara feia dies q no el veia!!! i mira, sorpresa! aquesta noia em sona!!!! (i no sóc jo, ho dic pels q s'ho pensin, jeje!)
Piaaaaa!!!!q t trobo a faltar!!! fes fes, aprofita tu q tens nassos, i volta mlt, q sempre ets a temps a tornar!!!!

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