26 de juliol del 2008

Passadís perdut / Lost corridor

El moment adecuat en el lloc més impensable.

The right moment in the most unconcievable place.

Tots: Terrassa, 12 / 07 - 02 / 08

Listening: Mishima - Miquel a l'accés 14

3 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

I like the olors of these ones much. The sky and the clouds are amazing, they almost look like a painting through that glass...

hey, if it works out, I'd like to visit ARI next month... but still not sure yet. I need to check out my money.

Anònim ha dit...

I like the colors of these ones much. The sky and the clouds almost look like a painting through that glass! But what do you mean by "the most unconceivable space"?

Piapi ha dit...

Thanks for the comment!

Sometimes it's hard to translate the concepts in my mind to english. I meant that I've been walking up and down this corridor all my life and never realized how beautiful it can be under the appropiate light.

Please come to ARI! But I am going to the Phillipines on the 10th. EuSun is also leaving then. If you could make it before that it would be great!

See you soon, hopefuly!

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