29 d’agost del 2009

In Rainbows

Concert de Radiohead al Castell de Malahide a Dublin, Irlanda. La nit ens va oferir el pack complet: arcs de Sant Martí, pluja, cervesa y per suposat la bona música. Un guarda de seguretat em va fer deixar la càmara a l'entrada però com podeu comprobar en duia una de recanvi. No van requisar cap mòbil però...

Radiohead concert at the Malahide Castle in Dublin, Ireland. A magic evening with the complete set: rainbows, rain, bier and of course good music. I had to leave the battery of my camera to a security guard but as you can see I was carrying another one. They didn't keep any mobile though...

In Rainbows I

In Rainbows II


Triple Yorke

All: Dublin / Ireland, 06/08

Listening: Radiohead - Jigsaw Falling Into Place

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el que estava buscant, gracies

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