17 de juliol del 2013

Grand.Geyser al Meeatings23

"Cinco espacios, cinco concursos y cinco temáticas. La ciudad habla: las galerías eligen sus conceptos, los creativos muestran sus obras y participan,y esta vez, el público también decide".

Una de les imatges de "Hummus & Urbs" s'exposa a Meeatings23. La peça va ser seleccionada juntament amb altres 10 obres pel jurat de la convocatòria Grand.geyser, les quals vàren ser sotmeses a votació popular durant una setmana. Finalment, les cinc més votades estaran exposades fins al 15 de juliol al carrer Sant Joaquim 23 de Barcelona. Es pot visitar de 9.30 a 13.30 y de 16.00 a 20.00 hores. 

"Five spaces, five contests and five themes. The city speaks: the galleries choose their concepts, the creatives show their work and participate, and this time, the public also gets to decide".

One of the images of "Hummus & Urbs" is being exhibited at Meeatings23. The piece was selected together with 10 more works by the jury of Grand.geyser, which were voted by the public during a week. Finally, the five most voted are going to be, until 15th july,  at this gallery located at Sant Joaquim 23 in Barcelona. The opening times are from 9.30 to 13.30 and from 16.00 to 20.00 hours.


B is Listening: Doris Day - Que sera sera

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