7 de desembre del 2007

Explosions in motion

El dia 24 de novembre vaig anar veure Explosions in the Sky a la sala Razmatazz. Vaig arribar tard, aquesta vegada no per la meva impuntualitat arxiconeguda, sinó perque vaig haber de fer de rescatador. Per sort aquests músics sempre van a deshora i vaig poder veure la major part del concert.

Explosions in the Sky fan una música tipus rock instrumental. Personalment m'encanta. Si voleu escoltar algun dels seus temes podeu visitar la seva web al myspace.

Faig fer quatre fotos. Aquí n'he penjat unes quantes, però si voleu veure-les totes visiteu l'album del Flickr.

Last november 24th I saw Explosions in the sky at Razmatazz in Barcelona. I was late, but this time it was not because of my well known impunctuality, but because I had to do an unexpected rescue operation. Luckily musicians are never on time and I could see most of the show.

Explosions in the Sky play something called instrumental rock. I love it personally. If you want to listen to some of their music you can visit their website at myspace.

I took some pictures. Here i posted some of them, but if you want to see the whole set you can visit the album on Flickr.

All: Barcelona, Spain, 11/07

Listening: El último de la Fila - Como un burro amarrado a la barra de un bar

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