16 de desembre del 2007

My "kids"

Us presento els meus "nens". Eren tretze, cinc noies i vuit nois, d'edats entre els 16 i els 45 anys. La majoria eren indis però hi havia dos noies nepalís i dos birmans (de Myanmar). Jo els ensenyava anglès juntament amb un altre professor, però també convivia amb ells al Centre of Continuing and Non-Formal Education de la Allahabad Agricultural University. Jo era la Pia ma'am, english teacher, titulín al que no m'acostumaré mai.

Gent, aquí els teniu, en aquest álbum.

I want to introduce you to my "kids". They were thirteen, five girls and eight boys, aged between sixteen and 45. Most of them were indians, but two girls came from Nepal and two boys from Myanmar. I was teaching them english together with another teacher, but I was also sharing life with them in the Centre of Continuing and Non-Formal Education de la Allahabad Agricultural University. I was Pia ma'am, english teacher, a title I will never get used to.

People, here they are, in this album.

Transplantant arrós
Rice Transplanting

Preparant el camp
Preparing the field


Listening - Bow Wow Wow - Fools Rush In

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