14 de febrer del 2009

Carreteres perdudes V

Aquestes "Carreteres perdudes" se'm havien quedat abandonades al calaix. A vegades va bé treure la pols, sempre es poden fer troballes com aquestes.

These "lost highways" had been lost and forgotten somewhere in my drawer. Sometimes it is a good idea to clean up, there are always things like these to be found.

Cliffs of Moher, Irlanda; 06 / 08

Cap de Creus, Girona; 03 / 08

Cap de Creus, Girona, 03 / 08

Listening: Blueberry Hill - Once upon a time

5 comentaris:

Kelly Byers ha dit...

the second picture is so beautiful!

Anònim ha dit...

Wow! Didn't know Ireland was that rocky, especially on the third picture.
I'm doing my portfolio right now, including some photographs, do you got any tips?

Piapi ha dit...

Hi people! Thanks for giving me some feedback!

Fuji: The second and third pictures were taken in Spain, in Catalonia, really near the border with France. That part of the country is really rocky. No wonder why they call it "Costa Brava"!
I'll think of some tips and give you send you an email soon.

Unknown ha dit...

definitivament... aviat faré una visiteta al cap de creus!!!

Anònim ha dit...

Pia! Com anem? Ara estava remirant les teves fotos de 'carreteres perdudes' i les del Cap de Creus són una passada! Cuida't! David Casals.

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