9 de febrer del 2009

Casa Alegre de Sagrera I

Un projecte d'interiorisme pel IEFC em va portar a plantar el trípode a la Casa Alegre de Sagrera de Terrassa. Aquest edifici modernista situat al carrer Sant Pere passa massa vegades desapercebut. Si sou egarencs, no dubteu a fer-hi una visita!

I was taken to the Casa Alegre de Sagrera by a project I had to do for the IEFC, my photography school. This modernist (or art noveau) building is located in Terrassa, on the carrer Sant Pere. Not enought people stop by to visit it. If you happen to be around, don't miss the chance to visit it!

Totes: Terrassa, 03 - 05 / 08

Listening: David Bustamante - Por el amor de esa mujer (culpa del Sing Star)

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