23 de setembre del 2010

Exposició "Tan lluny, tan a prop"

Del 30 de setembre al 16 d'octubre podreu veure una àmplia selecció d'imatges, sobretot paisatge i retrat, a la sala municipal d'exposicions de Begur (Girona). La inauguració d'aquesta exposició titulada "Tan lluny, tan a prop" tindrà lloc el proper dissabte 2 d'octubre a les 18.30 hores.

Podeu visitar la sala tant dijous de 17.00 a 20.00 hores així com divendres i dissabtes de 16.00 a 20.00.

Localització de Begur...
Com arribar a Begur...

From the 30th september until the 16th october you can visit
Begur's municipal exhibition hall where I will be exhibiting a wide selection of images from landscape to portrait. The opening of this exhibition named "So far, so close" will take place next saturday 2nd october at 18.30.

The exhibition is open thurdays from 17.00 to 20.00 and also fridays and saturdays from 16.00 to 20.00.

Where is Begur...
How to get to Begur...

(see translation below)

Photography has been a very important part of my life since I started using the camera as a tool to understand the world. I held a camera for the first time in a classroom at University. Step by step It grew comfortable in my hands and became and ally. It is five years form now that I started this adventure, five years being moved while looking through the lens.
Thanks to it I have rediscovered my surroundings, the people around me and myself. I have been able to rediscover my own personality, break my limits and getcloser to realities I used to observe from a distance. It allowed me to look in the eye a lot more, and for longer. This is a compilation of what my eyes captured over the past years.

Listening: Journey - Don't stop believin'

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